Creating an Exchange Rate

You can use created currencies as either a reference or working currency. You create exchange rates to enable the conversion of budget values into the working currency in relation to the reference currency.

  1. Starting from the top navigation, click > Planner > Settings > Exchange Rates.

  2. Above the table, select the year and month for which you want to create an exchange rate. You can only select years with a defined reference currency.

  3. Click Add new exchange rate.

  4. A dialog box opens.

  5. Select the pivot currency from the Currency selection list.

  6. Select one of the defined values from the Units selection list. You can choose from the entries 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 or 100000.

  7. Define the exchange rate in the First Exchange Rate field and if required in the field Secondary Exchange Rate.

  8. Note: You can enter an exchange rate with any number of decimal places. However, the exchange rate is always rounded to only four decimal places and then saved. For an exact calculation, enter the rate and unit increased by the same power of ten.

    Example: Your exchange rate is 0.0143575 and the unit is 10. To get an exchange rate with four decimal places, you need the factor 1000. So enter the exchange rate 14.3575 and the unit 10000.

  9. Click Save.

You have created an exchange rate for the selected pivot currency. The budget values defined in the working currency can be converted to the reference currency based on the exchange rate.


When you create an additional year, existing exchange rates can be adopted automatically.